Today, more Canadians than ever are interested in making choices that positively impact their community and making purchasing decisions that benefit the planet. As you evaluate how you shop, there are countless opportunities to start incorporating eco-friendly shopping habits into your everyday life that can benefit the environment and your wallet.
What is sustainable shopping?Sustainable shopping refers to purchasing items that have a minimal impact on the environment. From purchasing plastic-free items to buying clothes second-hand, sustainable shopping covers all aspects of our daily lives. When you choose to shop sustainably, it means keeping the earth in mind when making daily purchasing decisions.
Here are a few tips for becoming a more sustainable shopper:
1. Shop localBy shopping for products at a locally-owned store in your community and purchasing seasonal foods or locally-made goods, you can reduce the distance your item has traveled to reach you. Shopping locally alsokeeps money flowing within your local economy and supports your community’s workforce. Simply put, shopping locally is beneficial for the environment and those in your community.
2. Get thrifty with your shoppingAs the age-old saying goes, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Want fashionable clothing without the hefty price tag? Visit your local thrift store! Thrift stores are a fantastic method to savemoney on clothing or second-hand goodswhile helping the environment at the same time. Whether you are in the market fora brand-name sweateror kitchenware, stop by your local thrift shop to purchase the items you love at affordable prices. By purchasing second-hand items, you can find gentle-used, high-quality items for a fraction of the cost and save them from being disposed of in a landfill. Sonext time you dig through the racks at your local thrift store, you can rest comfortably knowing that your purchase will help reduce your spending and your carbon footprint too.
3. Purchase items from B-Corp Certified BusinessesWant your daily shopping to have a positive impact? Make a difference with your money by shopping for everyday items at a certified B Corporation. Rather than just focusing on profits, certified B corporations operate with the environment and people in mind. These companies meet the most rigorous social and environmental performance standards, public transparency, and legal accountability. Canada’s credit unions are renowned for their commitment to being a force for good within their communities, with approximately eleven credit unions recognized as B Corp-certified institutions.By putting your money towards a B Corp-certified business, you can show your financial support for a company that aligns with your values. So, next time you are looking to stock up on your go-to personalcare products or organic foods, keep an eye out for the B-certified stamp. Purchasing items with B Corp labels can help you feel better about your purchases and the influence your dollars make.
4. Repair or reuse before you replace itemsIf your blender is on the fritz or you have a hole in your shirt, rather than sending them straight to the landfill, give them a chance at a second life! Used clothing can be great for doubling as cleaning rags to use for daily household chores. Plus, every time you opt to repair or reuse a clothing item, toy, or appliance instead of buying a new one, you extend their lifespan and save money simultaneously. Simply put,showing a little T.L.C. to your old clothing and household goods can go a long way towards reducing unwanted environmental waste.
5. BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag)The next time you head to the grocery store, the mall, or the farmers market, don’t forget to bring your own reusable bags. By reducing your usage of plastic bags while you shop, you lower your landfill waste which reduces your harm to the planet. From weekly trips to the grocery store to shopping sprees at your local mall, bringing your own reusablebags can help you give back to the planet and save on the added cost of purchasing plastic or paper bags when you shop. Making the transition to plastic-free a part of your daily ritualis as simple as keeping a reusable bag in your car, backpack, or purse so that whenever you’re out shopping, you’re never without one.
Make Canada’s credit unions part of your sustainable shopping strategyGoing green can seem like an arduous task when you are on a tight budget, but it doesn’t have to be. A financial advisor at your local credit union can help you assess your current financial position so you can start adopting eco-friendly habits without putting a dent in your wallet. Not yet a credit union member? Find your nearest credit union here.