Mark Simone

Shopping Sustainably and Saving Money

How-to Guide for Shopping Sustainably and Saving Money

Today, more Canadians than ever are interested in making choices that positively impact their community and making purchasing decisions that benefit the planet. As you evaluate how you shop, there are countless opportunities to start incorporating eco-friendly shopping habits into your everyday life that can benefit the environment and your wallet. What is sustainable shopping?Sustainable …

How-to Guide for Shopping Sustainably and Saving Money Read More »

Responsible Investing 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing Responsibly

From recycling and reducing carbon emissions to advocating for pay equity for employees, Canadians are more passionate about creating an environmentally, socially, and equitable world than ever before. Have you set aside extra money and want to dive into investing, but want to put your money towards an investment that aligns with your values? If …

Responsible Investing 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing Responsibly Read More »

How Credit Unions are Championing an Environmentally Sustainable Future

How Credit Unions are Championing an Environmentally Sustainable Future

With natural disasters and the environmental impacts of pollution flooding news headlines more and more every year, ESG has quickly become a hot topic driving the conversation in our world today. From recycling and picking up litter to reducing carbon emissions, Canadians are more passionate about preserving the future of our planet than ever before …

How Credit Unions are Championing an Environmentally Sustainable Future Read More »

International Women’s Day Feature: How Credit Unions Champion Gender Equality

Imagine a world where true gender equality existed. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination that fosters a diverse, equitable, and inclusive world. A delightful concept, right? Well, for women in Canada and around the globe, that is the reality towards which they are striving towards. For centuries women have faced systemic social, political, …

International Women’s Day Feature: How Credit Unions Champion Gender Equality Read More »

Finances With Partner

Financial Intimacy: 3 Tips for Discussing Finances with Your Partner

Are you planning to move in with your partner or getting ready to walk down the aisle? No matter what phase you are in in your relationship, it’s important to have a holistic picture of your partner’s financial habits and to be able to have productive conversations about money. While discussing finances might not be …

Financial Intimacy: 3 Tips for Discussing Finances with Your Partner Read More »

6 Ways to Manage your finances

Top 6 ways to help you manage your finances in today’s world

Are your dollars not stretching as far at the grocery checkout or on public transit in 2023 as they once did? You’re not alone. From the rising cost of food and transportation to fluctuations in employment, Canadians are experiencing unprecedented tension in their everyday finances. With murmurs of a potential recession upon us, adopting the …

Top 6 ways to help you manage your finances in today’s world Read More »